
I'm Kevin.

I'm a Frontend Software Engineer with a strong passion for building web applications with great user experiences.
Here's a bit more about me.

Here are some of my projects.

  • DuoLearn

    Next.js, React.js, Drizzle, Stripe, Shadcn/UI, PostgreSQL, TailwindCSS, JavaScript

    Full stack Duolingo clone with features such as practice lessons to regain hearts, a leaderboard, quests milestones, and a shop system for points exchange. Integrated AI voices, authentication login/registration via Clerk, and a functioning Pro subscription for unlimited hearts utilizing Stripe checkout!

    Spotify Clone

    React.js + Vite, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript

    Developed a functional Spotify clone using React + Vite, Tailwind CSS, and JavaScript, providing users with a seamless music listening experience. Fully responsive website for Mobile phones and Tablets.

    Ultraverse NFT Marketplace

    React, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript

    Aesthetic NFT Marketplace website with interactive elements such as animated effects, smooth transitions, and aesthetic carousels! Processed API requests with Axios to dynamically represent data from a cloud server and represented it through skeleton loading states, pagination, and dynamic routing.

    Library E-Commerce Project

    React.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

    Beautiful React.js-powered webpage with dynamic API fetching, components, and webhooks. Updating cart with book prices included. Built a seamless shopping cart for easy book selection and management with useEffect and useState hooks.

    Movie Explorer

    React.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

    Movies library search engine app utilizing OMDb API for data such as movie titles, release dates, genre, ratings, runtime, plot summeries, posters, and more with dynamic API fetching, components, and webhooks!


    TReact Clone


    Aesthetic landing page of the TReact template website!